Mary Dumont | Vocals
Kevin Conway | Lead Guitar
Johnny Gelsomini | Guitar, Keyboards
Steve Sommers | Bass
Jared Duff | Drums
Roser was conceived out of an idea initially poised to be a power trio starting with members Johnny Gelsomini and Kevin Conway. Simultaneously, newlyweds Mary Dumont and Steve Sommers were searching for a project of their own to get involved in. Serendipitously, plans collided and shortly thereafter when Jared Duff was wrangled into the fold, Roser was born. Broadly, Roser considers themselves to fall in the Indie Rock category, but they’re inspired by many genre and draw influence from them all. Often noted are the Blues, Jazz, Psych Rock, and 90’s Pop Rock elements that make appearances amongst their catalogue. Lowell harbors a special community of artists, musicians, and performers that Roser is proud to be a part of with all of its members having roots in the city. Getting involved in community music festivals and events are always the most highly anticipated of the band’s endeavors. Roser is invested in keeping a culture of fast paced evolution and an open mind in the constant pursuit of growth and discovery.