Photo by Nicole Tammaro. Used with permission.

As we prepare for the 2019 RUMBLE, get to know the bands. We sent out a list of questions and asked the bands to pick 5.


1] Getting to know you: Where is your band from? Don’t say outer space. Or your mother. Maybe something nice about your town?

Salem, Mass is rich in dark history and the dynamic of the city totally fits the personalities of the band. In the past few years, Salem has become the center for music in the greater Boston area.

2] Genres are mind numbing. Make one up for your band.


3] This year has been heavy on band biopics. Who’d play your band members in the movie?

Troy: Dave Bautista
Devon: Grace Jones
Joey: Repo Man era Emilio Estevez

4] What are three records you have played so much you have replaced them in your collection?

Devon: KISS – Destroyer/ T. Rex – The Slider/ Type O Negative – October Rust

Joey: Iron Maiden – Powerslave/ Guns n Roses- Appetite for Destruction/ The Bruisers- Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’

Troy: Blitz- Singles collection/ American Nightmare – Background Music/ Falco – Rock Me Amadeus single

5] How are you preparing for your Rumble performance?

Troy: Positivity
Joey: Patience
Devon: Perseverance



More about Brix’N Mortar on their Rumble page

Brix’N Mortar play preliminary night 2, Friday 4/5 [Event link]


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