As we prepare for the 2019 RUMBLE, get to know the bands. We sent out a list of questions and asked the bands to pick 5.
1] What would your black metal band names be?
\m/ \m/ AKA I think the guys found Black Metal Name Generator, Yikes!
Chuck: Charles Von Bathory or Inferom Chuckurd Goril
Leesa: I am 100% sure my new name would be: Baby Killa’ (way way too too many pro-choice rants lately for the family friendly folks in the room)
In my past life I was “Man Eata’ Gina”
or just plain olde: Nokturat Hellrduk Leesanium
Chad: Rad Gnarleigh or Nazgûl Chädmark (I am not sure what that means)…
Eric: Axl Von Donohue or Goathn Ericum
Dave: David Leib Roth or Döpplergänger (Dave really likes weather!) or Davidor Buril
2] Collectively how many band t-shirts do you own?
Leesa: Enough to make a full size rock quilt. Like at least 150… probably way way more.. I am just thinking of the ones from high-school not the current ones I still sometimes wear…
You want a vintage Sponge T with band signatures, you got it… yeah I know.. who the fuck is Sponge!! You want a Guns N’ Roses Spaghetti Incident full tie dye I stole off my high-school boyfriend also got it… BTW the record is still terrible! You want a Corrosion of Conformity shirt back from when I did not realize how cool COC actually was and how much old man cred I would get for having one, got it. I even think I have one of those Grateful Dead tie dyes even though I never really liked the dead… cause you just had to have one… Sale Bin / Store 4 4-EVA, ya know back when it was still in the strip mall and I worked there #employeediscount… Hole, Nirvana, REM, Tool, Marilyn Manson, Pearl Jam, 3 1/2 Girls* (the back said, “you fucked with the wrong bitch” which made it even better I got it at the Rat when I was 16-ish at an all ages show, I know I am sooo fucking cool…), the Verve, Silverchair, Soundgarden, Soul Asylum, PJ Harvey, Madonna… all the fun… I would give you a more comprehensive list if they were not all currently in storage… So many fucking shirts… Some of my current regulars in rotation are a vintage Def Leppard shirt which has some nasty stains on it and I still constantly wear it to the office when I go to one, my Sam Black Church Hoodie #classic (which I also stole off another X in my early 20s), Best Coast: I cut it up to fit cute, and a vintage looking Lynyrd Skynyrd Shirt V Neck. Oh yeah and the One that says Van Fuckin’ Halen. I like to wear that to Yoga or when I am going to be around small children of reading age or families for the looks they like to give me cause I am that type of asshole! I like shirts with swears on them A Lot!! …clearly I have way way too much to say about shirts… Guess what Lonely Leesa has some shirts AND they are super hot!! Everyone should buy one and wear it during our set!!
*this totally caused me to go on some sort over an hour of internet finding hole bender to locate big thanks to Steve Prygoda and Duncan for the wins!!
3] Do you have a Rumble memory from past years?
Chuck: I cannot lie–my favorite Rumble memory was winning it in 2013 with Eddie Japan. We honestly didn’t think we’d even advance beyond our first night, so win the whole thing was a quite the trip.
4] Loaded question: who is the best band ever?
Chuck: It’s actually an easy question–The Beatles, by miles and miles. They did it all.
5] The Rumble is 40, that’s more than 900 bands who’ve taken part. Who’re your favorites (hint: there’s a wiki page that lists most of them)?
Chuck: Tribe, Zodio Doze, Mission of Burma, The Neighborhoods, Quintaine Americana, The Cavedogs, and Worshipper.