Photo by Derek Kouyoumjian. Used with permission.
As we prepare for the 2019 RUMBLE, get to know the bands. We sent out a list of questions and asked the bands to pick 5.
1] Genres are mind numbing. Make one up for your band.
Post-Poco Proto-Toto
2] How are you preparing for your Rumble performance?
Learning how to play our songs backwards while drunk.
3] Do you have a Rumble memory from past years?
When Milligram was in the Rumble in 2002, noted rock writer Sleazegrinder wrote a review of the show. I remember him saying something like we were trying to throw it and not win, which really wasn’t true at all but I thought was funny. We didn’t win anyway so maybe he was right!
4] Getting to know you: Where is your band from? Don’t say outer space. Or your mother. Maybe something nice about your town?
Darryl is from Malden, Nash is from JP. We are veterans of the orange line. Boston is a great city to make music in.
5] Among your band members, who would make the best politician?
Darryl would be a great politician. A man of the people. Nash would have to be in the CIA or something like that.