As we prepare for the 2019 RUMBLE, get to know the bands. We sent out a list of questions and asked the bands to pick 5.


1] Who among the band is the one you can call in an emergency?

It depends on the emergency.  Adam can reach high stuff.  Matt can turn an argument around like Bugs Bunny.  Laura can break concrete with her mind.  And Ad Frank is very charming. (Quinn)

2] What’s a guilty pleasure of yours?

Scratch tickets (a.k.a., the stupidity tax).  If I have to live in a world where I can get hit with a $2,000 car repair out of the blue, then I deserve the possibility of an unearned windfall out of the blue as well.  Laugh all you want.  The odds for rock and roll stardom are even worse. (Ad Frank)

3] What song do you wish you wrote and why?

I wish I wrote the entire Roxy Music Avalon album, but if I had to pick a song, I’d say “True to Life”.  I never had children of my own, and that song and album have been at least partially responsible for several thousand pregnancies, so having written it would have helped fill the void. 
(Ad Frank)

4] This is the 40th anniversary of the Rumble. It officially began at the legendary Rat in Kenmore Square. It closed in 1997. What is your favorite rock venue that isn’t around anymore?

TT The Bears always felt like home.  It was the first show I played in Boston (1996) and I performed there with 7 different bands.  I still have the plastic cup from the last beer I drank there. (Quinn)

5] How are you preparing for your Rumble performance?
One-handed pushups, daily polar plunges, and laps around the track wearing 6 sweat suits and a trash bag. (Quinn)


More about The Daylilies on their Rumble page.

The Daylilies play preliminary night 2, Friday 4/5 [Event link]

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