
As we prepare for the 2019 RUMBLE, get to know the bands. We sent out a list of questions and asked the bands to pick 5. 


1] Genres are mind numbing. Make one up for your band.

Protoepicprogmetal (with twist of Bowie)

2] Do you have a Rumble memory from past years?

Watching the Damn Personals in ’99? 2000? and wondering how Oscar-winning songwriter Ant Rossomando got so much damn air without missing a chord. Also: Waltham having an actual guitar tech (Peet wasn’t in the band yet).

3] What song do you wish you wrote and why?

“Back In The Village” by Iron Maiden. It’s just the right amount of roll in a heavy rock song. Hell, we are still trying to copy it, with varying results.

4] This is the 40th anniversary of the Rumble. It officially began at the legendary Rat in Kenmore Square. It closed in 1997. What is your favorite rock venue that isn’t around anymore?

Is it weird to miss the Rosebud? The layout was weird, no real lighting and the sound mostly sucked. But they would sometimes name drinks after your band and feed them to you with abandon. Which makes you think… was it the sound system that made you sound bad? Hmmmm.

5] This year has been heavy on band biopics. Who’d play your band members in the movie?

Rod would be played by Brandon Lee. Peet would be played by James Gandolfini. Jared would be played by Duane Allman. Mike would be played by Rocky Marciano. We would win the Oscars for Best (Re)Animated Feature Film.

More about OfficeR on their Rumble page.

OfficeR play preliminary night 1, Thursday 4/4 [Event link]

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