As we prepare for the 2019 RUMBLE, get to know the bands. We sent out a list of questions and asked the bands to pick 5.



1] Getting to know you: Where is your band from? Don’t say outer space. Or your mother. Maybe something nice about your town?

I would say our home base is Somerville, MA because of how often we play in Union Square (specifically Bull McCabe’s Pub) which is our favorite spot to get rowdy and play for hours whenever we can. I also need to give a lot of love to Malden because Crystal, Leo, and myself are all products of Malden High School’s music department.

2] Who among the band is the one you can call in an emergency?

I would most likely call our violinist Theresa. There is a reason we all call her Mama. She protects and shelters her children from the dangers of the outside world.

3] Genres are mind numbing. Make one up for your band.

Showtune Beach Rock

(I googled this and found this image:)

4] This is the 40th anniversary of the Rumble. It officially began at the legendary Rat in Kenmore Square. It closed in 1997. What is your favorite rock venue that isn’t around anymore?

To be honest I really miss The Precinct in Union Square. We all made some fun memories there as we were just starting out as a band and learning how to perform in front of an audience. I remember that the first time we “packed” a place was at The Precinct was for a Halloween show where we played a set as The Cure. I loved that spot despite its awkward layout.

5] The Rumble is 40, that’s more than 900 bands who’ve taken part. Who’re your favorites (hint: there’s a wiki page that lists most of them)?

Carissa Johnson crushed it two years ago – our bands haven’t played together yet but we have something on the books in NH this year that I am really excited for. Also some other favorites are The Color and Sound, Dirty Looks, Weakened Friends, Analog Heart, and Gene Dante & The Future Starlets!

More about As The Sparrow on their Rumble page.

As The Sparrow play preliminary night 5, Friday 4/12 [Event link]

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