As we prepare for the 2019 RUMBLE, get to know the bands. We sent out a list of questions and asked the bands to pick 5. 


1] Getting to know you: Where is your band from? Don’t say outer space. Or your mother. Maybe something nice about your town?

Jim:  We are based in Boston although we live in various towns around the area.  I’m originally from Ohio with a pit stop in Michigan then had my real formative years in Florida which is why I’m so psychotic.

Blake: I’m originally from Tennessee. I’ve have had two stints in Boston since 1998 when I first moved here.  Lots of history there, but when I last moved back in 2010 I tried my hands at joining many projects.  Nothing worked out until I met Jim.  We bonded over our love of focusing on the song in writing; brought in some friends and got to work.  Over time we’ve each switched between instruments and lineups in the band, but that theme of the song comes first has stuck.  It’s great we get to live in a Boston where we can perform and share that excitement we have.  

2] What would your black metal band names be? 


3] Genres are mind numbing. Make one up for your band.


4] What are three records you have played so much you have replaced them in your collection?

Jim:  The Cars Panorama album is the one I’ve bought the most… often times because I messed up the copy I had somehow.  I used to listen to that one all the time on cassette in the car… and then CD.  And I can be brutal on things in my car.  I bought 2 copies of the recent reissue because I lost the first one (presumably while cleaning my car)!  The other 2 are probably The Beatles White album and Cheap Trick at Budokan.

5] How are you preparing for your Rumble performance?  

Chris:  Lots of raw eggs and chasing chickens.


More about The I Want You on their Rumble page.

The I Want You play preliminary night 2,Friday, 4/5 [Event link]

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