SkyTigers; all photos by Coleman Rogers. Used with permission
Rumble Preliminaries: Best Two Weeks In Boston Rock All Year
Rumble Preliminaries: The Best Two Weeks In Boston Rock All Year
With prelims a wrap, we witnessed two weeks full of the best collection of live Boston rock performances. These 24 bands brought their A-plus game and laid it out on the stage over six nights. While we went virtually cover free for the first week, save blindspot’s closing instro blast of Rage Against The Machine’s “Bulls On Parade, three new songs join the long list of celebrated Rumble covers (#RUMBLECover). Radio Compass broke the Rumble cover seal with their tiny keyboard rendition of Leslie Gore’s 1963 song, “You Don’t Own Me” on Thursday night. Love Love happened to choose the song for their opening set the next night; SkyTigers’ broke into Motorhead’s “Ace of Spades” (definitely one this host’s favorite sets), and Set Fire lit up Zeppelin’s “No Quarter”. We kick it up a few notches with Semifinals weekend this Friday and Saturday. I look forward to what’s to come. Celebrate with us.
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Semifinals Gallery: blindspot, Set Fire, Phenomenal Sun, Motel Black, Lonely Leesa & the Lost Cowboys, Brix’N Mortar, Corner Soul, PowerSlut